What we do

What we do

Just as plants in a garden thrive on diversity we believe that following various avenues of exploration and weaving them together can create a culture of synergy and cross-pollination between projects. Towards our main mission of inner and outer regeneration we offer courses and learning journeys, immersive experiences, regenerative coaching for teams and individuals and educational resources. You can check each of our offers below.

Courses and learning journeys

Inner (R)Evolution

Inner (R)Evolution is a ten-week deep dive into the inner art and science of transforming ourselves and our relationship with the world. The course combines the wisdom and meditative techniques of the ancient contemplative traditions of Buddhism and Daoism with the insights of modern psychology, neuroscience and philosophy. The experience takes place within a community of practice and support using a microsolidarity framework.

Belonging & Purpose

Belonging and purpose is an eight-week learning and practice journey on the art and science of creating wholesome group spaces of trust, care and belonging. Together we explore a curated set of practices based on Microsolidarity, Internal Family Systems, Liberating Structures, Nonviolent Communication, Work That Reconnects and Mindfulness. The aim is to deepen our relationships with ourselves and others, to support and care for each other and to learn how to build sustainable communities.

Regenerative Teamarbeit

5-Wochen Kurs zu nachhaltiger, wirksamer Kollaboration

Dieser Kurs ist für Führungskräfte, Facilitatorinnen & Teammitglieder, die eine lebendige, resiliente und inspirierende Teamkultur gestalten wollen. Gemeinsam erforschen wir die Essenz der regenerativen Teamarbeit und lernen gemeinsam, wie wir gesunde und sichere Gruppenräume schaffen, gute Entscheidungen treffen, konstruktiv mit Konflikten umgehen und durch Reflexion und Retrospektiven zu einer kontinuierlich lernenden Organisation werden können.

Other offers

What we agree on

What We Agree On (WWAO) is an event series designed to enhance our collective capacity to make sense of the world in these volatile times. Together we will dive into critical topics, engage in meaningful discussions, and collaboratively form consensus on pressing issues. With WWAO we want to nurture the emergence of islands of coherence, characterised by high trust, safety and benevolence, which can grow into a network of informed, action-ready communities. Join us and be part of shaping a collective path forward, one agreement at a time.

Becoming Sound

Becoming Sound is an immersive audio-haptic experience generated by the vibrations of the human voice and enhanced by technological means. It combines the ancient art of chanting with modern sound design and deep vibration. The Becoming Sound experience can range from feelings of relaxation and a clear, peaceful state of mind to feelings of oneness and bliss. The ultimate aim of the experience is to enable practitioners to dissolve their mundane identity and “become sound”.


An important aspect of our mission is education regarding inner cultivation, meditation, community-building, inner and outer regeneration, psychedelics, sense-making and consciousness culture. This takes the form of talks and keynotes, live and online workshops, videos and podcasts as well as live community meetings. Check it out!