Inner (R)Evolution Series

Weekly Wednesday online meetings | Starting on July 10th 2024

Join the Inner (R)Evolution – an ongoing, interactive event series delving into the art and science of transforming ourselves and our relationship to the world. Together we will explore various topics and methods and practice meditation, contemplation, mindful movement, dialogue formats, reflective writing and peer coaching. The aim is to grow together and support each other to co-create a more beautiful world.

 Inner (R)Evolution Series –
Changing the world starts within

The Inner (R)Evolutions Series are a space for hanging out with like-minded people, and together exploring topics around inner and outer regeneration, consciousness culture, meditation, community-building, sense-making, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, AI, psychedelics. Each session has a different topic but the main premise is that in order to change the world we have to start with ourselves.


The world is facing increasingly complex problems – climate change, social inequality, mental health crises, to name just a few. How we respond to these problems will decide what the future of our planet will look like. At The Garden, we believe that in many regards “(R)Evolution is an inside job” and see deep self-exploration and self-transformation as necessary ingredients for overcoming our global challenges. Towards this goal we are offering the Inner (R)Evolution Series, an ongoing, interactive event series delving into the art and science of transforming ourselves and our relationship to the world.


Some guiding questions on this journey will be:

  • How can we stay centred, grounded and resilient in the face of an increasingly complex and overwhelming world?
  • How can we understand ourselves better, become more mindful, compassionate and wise and cultivate a mindset of friendliness, care and compassion towards ourselves and others?
  • How can we let go of old patterns and trauma and see the world with new eyes?
  • How can we integrate inner transformation with outer change and contribute meaningfully towards a more beautiful world?
  • And, importantly, how can we walk this path together and support each other along the way?

The content and tone of the series are influenced and inspired by a variety of traditions and disciplines , among them are:

  • Buddhist and Daoist psychology and philosophy
  • Psychology, neuroscience and philosophy
  • Meditation, Yoga, Qigong and Taichi
  • Community-building and microsolidarity
  • Systems theory, deep ecology, liberating structures, Internal Family Systems, Non-violent Communication…

Together we will explore various topics and methods and practice meditation, contemplation, mindful movement, dialogue formats, reflective writing and peer coaching.

The sessions take place weekly on Wednesdays 18:30 – 20:30 here, starting on July 10th. They are donation-based with a recommended donation of 10-15€. You can find a calendar invite to the series here.

Let’s grow together and change our world one consciousness at a time 🙂

First session

The topic for the first session is “(R)Evolution is an inside job”. We will look at the meta-crisis and why we need a (R)Evolution, why it might be rewarding to look inwards for solutions and what practices and frameworks can support us in that endeavour.

The first session takes place next Wednesday, July 10th from 18:30-20:30 here.

About the facilitator

Nicki Endres

Nicki is a facilitator, mediator and community builder living in Berlin. Combining his background in psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy with practical skills in coaching and mediation he supports individuals and teams in their journey towards new ways of relating, collaborating and being. He is passionate about creating communities built on trust, purpose and belonging where we can enable one another to thrive and be the change we want to see in the world. In line with this vision he co-founded, and for years co-directed, CoopSpace, a self-organised co-working community in Berlin-Kreuzberg and offers courses on microsolidarity and community-building. Since his early twenties he studied Buddhist and Daoist psychology and philosophy and practiced extensively in the fields of meditation, Yoga, Qigong, Taichi, breathwork and plant medicine. He currently offers courses on inner science, meditation and regenerative teamwork and gives public talks on science and philosophy.


If you have any questions regarding the series, feel free to write us a message using the contact form below.


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